School Policies & Procedures



School Policies & Procedures

School Year 2022-2023

Dress Code

Our school is continuing with a dress code for all students. Students will be required to wear uniforms to school. The uniforms help us to improve school safety, increase school spirit and lessen the burden of buying expensive, name-brand clothing.

Students should wear dark blue pants and a light blue shirt at all sites except for P.S.338X, Bronx Lab and Peace & Diversity. Students attending P.S.338X will wear dark blue pants and white shirts. Metropolitan students do not have a uniform. The pants and shirts can be purchased at your local department store.

What NOT to bring to school

A serious academic environment is one without distractions; the following items not only contribute to disruptions in learning and social relationships but also may be lost or damaged. The following items should NOT be brought to school.

  • Laser pointers
  • Firecrackers, poppers, weapons, illegal items, etc.

Students may bring cell phones, iPods, or electronic games or devices to school, but they will be collected by the school upon entry to the school building and stored in a designated location until the end of the school day.

Any student found with weapons, illegal items and explosive materials is subject to disciplinary action.

Please do not allow your child to bring any articles of value to the school. We are not responsible for items that are stolen, lost, misplaced, or broken.

Stolen or Lost Items

On the occasion that any articles of value have been brought to school and lost/misplaced or stolen, a claim with The Office of The New York City Comptroller may be filed. Do NOT file this claim with the Department of Education. The following link provides the claim form and procedures

*For more information or help filing these forms please contact your Parent Coordinator




Principal’s Suspension

For a student with a disability, the principal also shall determine the number of days of exclusion from the student’s current educational program due to disciplinary action. Students must attend school however they will not attend class.


Superintendent’s Suspension

The Superintendent has the authority to suspend students for more than five (5) school days for all students in general education and special education, grades K-12. Once a suspension is authorized, the Superintendent/designee must notify the principal of the suspending school, the appropriate Network Leader, and the Suspension Hearing Office.


Chancellor’s Regulations:

Chancellor’s Regulations guide school administrators, students, and parents.

The following regulations describe:

  • A-443 Student Discipline Procedures
  • A-210 Minimum Standard for Attendance
  • A-449 Safety Transfers

This regulation sets forth the procedures for granting safety transfers (1) when students are victims of a violent criminal offense on school property; and (2) in other situations when it is determined that a student’s continued presence in the school is unsafe for the student.


All regulations can be accessed on:



Homework has always been recognized by the school community as an important medium to foster the academic achievement of students and extend school activities into the home and community. Homework assignments are given daily.



Report cards are designed to coordinate with your child’s Individual Educational Plan (I.E.P.) they will keep you aware of your child’s progress and needs. The areas covered are your child’s social growth and academic progress. Report cards will become a part of your child’s school record.

We can email your student’s report card, share it with you at parent-teacher conferences, send a copy home with your student, or provide you with a report card in other ways. You can also view your student’s report card through your New York City Schools Account



As per the New York City Department of Education Chancellor’s Regulations A-701, Part V. B. 2, all medications must be hand-delivered to the school and given to the school nurse or Principal’s Designee with a completed Medication Administration Form and signed by the parent and physician.

During school hours, students may have their medication given to them by the school nurse. However, their Medication Administration Record, or the (504 Form), must be filled out and signed by the doctor and parent. All medication must be in appropriate containers and properly labeled by the pharmacy or physician and the dosage schedule.

Please make sure that you renew your child’s prescription before it runs out.



The New York State Department of Education and the Board of Health require that documentation be secured proving that all children who come to school are fully immunized. We are required to exclude children not immunized and do not have documentation from a physician indicating this is the case.

If your child has:   
If your child has: He/She Must Be Kept out of School:
Chicken Pox 6 days after appearance of rash
Rubella (German Measles) Until rash has disappeared
Measles 5 days after appearance of rash
Mumps Until all the swelling of the glands has disappeared
Whooping Cough 14 days after whoop begins
Hepatitis Until temperature has become normal
Meningitis Until temperature has become normal


If your child becomes sick in school…

The school will contact you immediately. It is your responsibility to come to school and pick up your child. If you are unavailable, the person listed on the emergency blue card will be contacted.


Do not send the child to school if he/she has…

By keeping him/her home, you are not only helping him/her to get well faster, but you are also preventing the illness from spreading to other members of the class. Let the school know as soon as possible that your child is ill. When your child returns to school, give him/her a note for the teacher explaining the absence.

If your child has:   
Fever 100°C or higher Earache Upset Stomach
Infected skin patches Sore Throat “Pink Eye” (Conjunctivitis)
Swollen glands Head lice Vomiting or Diarrhea
Unusual spots or rashes Persistent cough  


If you have more questions about medicine/your child’s health during school hours contact the school nurse.


School Calendar

School Food


Testing Dates